Tagged: powershell dsc

Update PSModulePath for Custom PowerShell Module Development

I am in the process of a deep dive into DSC and I want to store my custom modules and DSC Resources in source control. To make it easy to run PowerShell modules you have to import them or have them on the PSModulePath environment variable. Since I don’t want to point a source repository to the default PowerShell module path, I want to add my custom module path to PSModulePath. This will save me some time when it comes to having to import modules and module changes. This means I will always be running the most recent version of my modules even the buggy ones, so if you do this, understand the implications.

It’s actually pretty easy to automate this with PowerShell. Since I already have some experience updating environment variables with PowerShell I just created a new script to add my custom module path to PSModulePath.

$currentModulePath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PSModulePath", "Machine")
$customModulePath = "C:\_DSC\DSCResources"
$newModulePath = $currentModulePath + ";" + $customModulePath
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PSModulePath", $newModulePath, "Machine")

I complicated this script a bit so it is more self evident on what is happening (code as documentation – no comments necessary).

I can envision someone needing to also remove a path from PSModulePath, but this is enough to get started so I will leave it up to you, until I have a need for that :).


When running this script in an Invoke-Command on a remote session the modules aren’t immediately available if I tried to use modules in the new path. This is because the path is not updated on the remote session. A quick workaround for me was to remove the session and recreate it.

Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession;

This removes all sessions so you may not want to do this. Since I don’t care about sessions I like it. This was just a one line change in my workflow script and it didn’t cause too much latency in the script execution. I know there are some other solutions that involve messing with the registry, but this is a one time deal so resetting the remote session works for me.

Microsoft Infrastructure as Code with PowerShell DSC

Desired State Configuration (DSC) is a PowerShell platform that provides resources that enable the ability to deploy, configure and manage Windows servers. When you run a DSC configured resource on a target system it will first check if the target matches the configured resource. If it doesn’t match it, it will make it so.

To use DSC you have to author DSC configurations and stage the configuration to make it available for use on target systems and decide whether you will pull or push to your target systems. DSC is installed out of the box with PowerShell (starting with 4.0). PowerShell is already installed in the default configuration of Windows Server 2012 so you don’t have to jump through any major hoops to get going.

DSC Resources

DSC Resources are modules that DSC uses to actually do work on the server. DSC comes with basic resources out the box, but the PowerShell team provides a DSC Resource Kit that provides a collection of useful, yet experimental, DSC Resources. The Resource Kit will simplify usage of DSC as you won’t have to create a ton of custom resources to configure your target systems.


You can also create your own custom resources and it seems not too difficult to do. I even saw a post that suggests that you can code your resources with C#, I haven’t tried this, but it would be a plus if your not very comfortable with PowerShell.


There is a preview of a resource gallery here, https://msconfiggallery.cloudapp.net/packages?q=Tags%3A%22DSC%22. You can probably find additional resources produced by the community with a little searching.

Push or Pull

Do you push changes to the target system or allow the target to pull changes from a central server? This is a debate with merits on both sides where opponents advocate for one or the other. I have seen arguments on both sides that state the scalability and maintainability benefits of one over the other. My opinion is I don’t really care right now (premature optimization).

One of the first DSC posts I read on TechNet said that Pull will most likely be the preferred method so I went with it, although there is more setup you have to go through to get going with pull. Push is basically a one line command. In the end, the decision is yours as you can do both, just don’t lose any sleep trying to pick one over the other. Pick one, learn how DSC works, and make the Push or Pull decision after you get your feet wet.


This is a diversion, but a good one IMHO. One problem with the Pull model is you need to have all of the resources (modules) downloaded on your target. Normally, you would have to devise a strategy to insure all of your DSC Resource dependencies are available on the target, but PowerShellGet solves this. PowerShellGet brings the concept of dependency management (similar to NuGet) to the PowerShell ecosystem.

Basically, you are able to discover, install, and update modules from a central module gallery server. This is not for DSC only, you can install any PowerShell modules available on the gallery (powerful stuff). PowerShellGet is part of the Windows Management Framework (WMF), http://blogs.msdn.com/b/powershell/archive/2014/05/14/windows-management-framework-5-0-preview-may-2014-is-now-available.aspx.

Infrastructure as Code

I was pleased at how simple it is to create DSC Configurations. Although, the jury is still out on how maintainable it is for large infrastructures. After reading about it, I saw no reason to wait any more to get my Windows infrastructure translated to code and stored along with my source code in a repository, as it should be. If you have multiple servers and environments and you don’t have your infrastructure configuration automated and you know its possible to do, your just plain dumb.

Infrastructure as code is a core principle of Continuous Delivery and DSC gives me an easy way to score some points in this regard and stop being so dumb. Also, with the Chef team developing Cookbooks that use DSC Configurations as Resources, I can plainly see a pathway to achieving all the cool stuff I have been reading about happening in the OpenSource environment stacks in regards to infrastructure as code.

DSC Configuration

The DSC Configuration is straight forward and I won’t bore you with a rehashing of the info found in the many resources you can find on the interwebs (some links below).

Configuration MyApp
      Node $AllNodes.NodeName
        #Install the IIS Role
        WindowsFeature IIS
          Ensure = “Present”
          Name = “Web-Server”
        #Install ASP.NET 4.5
        WindowsFeature ASP
          Ensure = “Present”
          Name = “Web-Asp-Net45”
      $ConfigurationData = @{
        AllNodes = @(

This simple configuration installs IIS and ASP.Net 4.5 on 2 target nodes.

Configuration Staging

To be consumed by DSC the configuration needs to be transformed into an MOF file (Management Object File). You can create this file by hand in a text editor, but why when it can be automated and I am obsessed with automation.

MyApp -ConfigurationData $ConfigurationData

This calls our MyApp configuration function and creates the MOF file. I can customize this a bit further by defining the ConfiguationData array in a separate file and defining exactly where I want the MOF file created. This gives me good separation of logic and data, like a good coder should.

MyApp -ConfigurationData c:\projects\myapp\deploy\MyAppConfigData.psd1 -OutputPath c:\projects\myapp\deploy\config

Above, the ConfigurationData is in a separate file named MyAppConfigData.psd1.

If I want, I can lean towards the push model and push this config to the target nodes.

MyApp -Path c:\projects\myapp\deploy\config -wait –Verbose

To use the pull model you have to configure a pull server and deploy your configurations. The pull server is basically a site hosted in IIS. Setting it up is a little involved so I won’t cover it here, but you can get details here and of course you can Bing more on it.


Well that’s enough for now. Hope it inspires someone to take the leap to infrastructure as code in Windows environments. I know I’m inspired and can finally stop being so scared or lazy, not sure which one, and code my infrastructure. Happy coding!

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